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Kata other, another, dan others dapat diartikan dengan : yang lain atau lainnya. Ketiga kata tersebut sangat mudah membingungkan. Maka untuk menentukan bagaimana menggunakannya dengan tepat masing-masing kata itu harus diperhatikan empat hal.

1. Jika kata itu singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak).
2. Jika kata itu definite –the- (tentu) atau indefinite –a- (tak tentu)
3. Jika kata itu berfungsi sebagai adjective yang menerangkan noun atau senantiasa bersama dengan noun.
4. Jika kata itu berfungsi sebagai pronoun yang dapat berdiri sendiri.

Perhatikanlah contoh-contoh berikut :
a. I have another (adj.) book
b. I have another (pron.)

“Perhatikan bahwa another digunakan hanya untuk menunjuk kepada an indefinite (tak tentu). Dan dengan benda tunggal (singular)”

c. I have other (adj.) books.
d. I have others. (pron)
e. I have the other book (adj.)
f. I have the other (pron.)
g. I have the other books (adj.)
h. I have the others (pron).

“Perhatikan bahwa Others hanya digunakan sebagai plural pronoun yang tidak bersama dengan noun(dapat berdiri sendiri). Sedangkan other dapat digunakan untuk semuanya”

i. I have three books, two are mine. The other book is yours. (The others is yours).
j. I have three books, one is mine. The others are yours. (The others are yours).
k. If you are still thirsty, I’ll make another pot of coffee.

Example :

OTHER -- the singular form. The word refers to something that is different from something else. For instance, Director A makes a movie based on a famous novel. Director B makes a different movie based on the same novel.

Luke: "Did you like Director A's movie?"
Ted: "Yes, but I liked the OTHER version much better."

Luke: "What do you think of my new wrist watch?" [On his right wrist.]
Ted: "I think you should wear it on your OTHER wrist."

Two senators write two different pieces of legislation about the same topic. "I like Senator Luke's legislation, but the OTHER one will probably be approved."

So, when we use the singular word "other," we are actually referring to something different from something else: X is fine, but I think the OTHER ["Y"] is more acceptable.


OTHERS -- the plural form, for more than one "other"

Some essays are easy to read; OTHERS are much more difficult.

Many people chose to vote in the election. OTHERS simply stayed at home, not interested in voting at all. [OTHERS clearly indicates the "different" or "non-voting" people.]


THE OTHERS -- same as above, but used in cases where the article "the" is necessary.

Luke: "Would you like to have THESE shirts?"
Ted: "No, I think THE OTHERS look more presentable."

The "chosen" people lived in the wealthy homes; all THE OTHERS lived in very poor houses. ["The others" in this example means "the people who are NOT wealthy" or THE OTHERS.]


ANOTHER -- The dictionary definition is this: "different or distinct from the one first considered" OR "additional" OR "later."

Different or distinct --

Luke: "Are you going to write your essay about global warming?"
Ted: "I had thought I would, but I have changed my mind and will write on ANOTHER topic."

Additional --

Luke: "Did you get enough to eat?"
Ted: "No, I think I'll have another piece of pie."

Later --

Luke: "Are you taking a trip this weekend?"
Ted: "I think I'll wait until ANOTHER time."

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